Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy is a privacy documents outlines which shows the types of personal information we received from our visitors and how we uses this information for knowing the interest of visitors at our sites, traffic information and others . uses log files like many other websites do.
The Information which we uses in log files includes visitors IP addresses (Internet protocol ) of his device, ISP (Internet Service provider) , Type of browser through which user access , referring pages and links , number of clicks and hit he made on our site, administer the site, track visitors activities on our site and gathering his geographic location and demographic information, Date and time when the visitor of certain IP addresses visited our site and knowing his interest.
This information is helpful for us to improve our website and increase our traffic. also uses cookies to store visitor’s information about his preferences and to records the interest of visitors by knowing which pages the more visitors visit and other information which visitors send by their browser.
Cookies are used only to get small amount of your information for traffic analysis only.
The cookies does not contains any personal information. The information which we received from visitors is just to understand his interest and this is helpful for us to improve our articles content and other things to improve our website and to increase traffic on our site.
Whoever you can set your preferences to block/refuse/ or notify before they are placed, depending on the browser that you use.